Hello, guys! How are you? I am sorry for my “usual” blogging hiatus. I have been so busy with the life these past few months, once again adjusting and trying to put my self in the lane. I am so happy to be here now. *Cries JK* So, after this post, I’ll be glad to hear your thoughts. In recent days, awkward as may seem, but I have been thinking deeply and until now my thoughts are making me overly emotional. Funny, as I typed my texts below, I called it the “PMS Drama.” Haha. Maybe my monthly visitor is coming (LOL) and I never prepared myself to an emotional bang.
My life in the past years has been a series of a roller coaster ride. I thought I am on the right track and to be in a place I wish I would be years back is overwhelming enough. I would not anymore stuck myself in corner, dreaming because I was able to attain my dreams, big and small, step by step. Months back, I pondered I am so lucky to be standing in here.
Everyday, I laugh, may be there are times I cry, I get angry and move on, but these days are different. In the midst of laughing, smiling beyond the lenses could capture, I sometimes end my day sad. I get angry easily. My patience is already limited. What hits you when you’re in your mid life is you subconsciously assess your reality. What have you been doing, if you are happy of what you do daily, do you feel satisfied with the life? Or you are always a failure, rather than an asset? Do you have the right values that could convey success? Or would there be a need for you to re-evaluate your personality and check if you have become a Choleric, evolving from a Sanguine. As for me, these past few months are different. Struggling with my balance, I some time find myself wishing I could be at the better place, with wonderful people, and find myself being positive about life without putting so much in return, even more thanking the Almighty of all the that I have. But as the elders says, we could only wish for perfect things. They would always be room for flaws. Life is all about plus and negative things which the latter bring out lessons – which I believe life is made for, which give meaning to our existence as human beings, which make life even more worth-living, which born out stories that make life beautiful.
All I wish for now is to have balance, and if I am right that I am at the wrong place, I am praying that I’ll be where I should be soon, in the right time. I believe in perfect timing – to be able to serve my responsibilities and at the same to be at my happiest on what I am doing and on what I become. I am also praying that someday I could learn to take risks – without doubts, and instead, to have brave heart of knowing what’s outside my door and faith that I would smile after stepping out.
Location of this mini-shoot: Roofdeck Function Hall, 1A Express Hotel (Located at One Avenue Building, CM Recto Avenue, CDO)
Both Hotel and Function Room bookings: 0917 670 1239
Irene is a lifestyle and travel blogger from Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. She is just one of your typical storytellers who appreciate the wonders of life. Most of the time, she seeks for a beautiful place and get lost in it.

SM CDO Media Day 2017

Meet me at The Roofdeck
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