Blogging the city life and countrysides
Filipino elders would say that in a person’s lifetime, he can do many things, experience countless things in his days, but there would be a few that would make him a person he is meant to become.…
Having a Blogger Bestie (and some tips!)
Hello everyone! Here’s me, talking once again about my blogging journey. As all of you know, this blog has been one of my coping mechanism to keep me sane as I am battling with hustle and bustle…
Hello to the new decade
It is but months ago that we welcomed the new year. Life is short, indeed. Here’s us facing another year and decade of our lives. 2019 and the past years has been a roller-coaster of a ride…
Blogging the Life in Style
As you all could see. I have changed my blog title from Somewhere Beautiful to Her Life in Style. Well, starting last month I decided to be active to the blogosphere. I just thank God that…