Cross-country Trips,  Featured,  Travelogue

Universal Studios Singapore

Come the second day in Singapore. We tried to get up early but due to tiredness, we prepared for another hour. Thank goodness, USS opens at 10am and we were able to just have few bus turns and caught up with our sched. Just thanks to our friend Egong for being our saviour. Honestly, what I did is simply follow the others. Ha! I don’t have stress. It is so much different with my work where I care so much where we or our guests will stay, what vehicle they will use and sort. It feels refreshing and relaxing to be just on the other side sometimes.

Highlights of the day include talking with strangers without hesitation. If you watch my vlog again, you will hear me talking to someone asking if we are going to USS also. Another is our reactions when we enter the place realizing that we are able to check out one destination from our bucket list. Felt so blessed to care for anything but live our childhood dreams.

Hello to my pretty model/photographer of the day, Mem Vida. She is by the way my elementary school classmate turned travel buddy.

Upon entering the themed park, you will eventually see the Hollywood-themed street.

I will feed you few of our USS photos below. I said “few” because my excited and overwhelmed self took soooo muuuch photos, yet I am happy about it. There are portions, however, that I failed to document because cameras are not allowed, just for example and of course, when you enter the rides. I cannot risk my camera though. Not a risk-taker blogger here. LOL.

These are the rides and attractions that we tried:

1. Madagascar: A Crate Adventure

This is a sort of watching a short Madagascar movie while riding a boat going through a dark crate.

SG 2019 Squad.

2. Far Far Away: Shrek 4-D Adventure

This made me laugh and love like a kid! I saw my fave character Tinkerbell in front of me and I was a bit of surprised, she is so cute!

3. Far Far Away: Enchanted Airways

I thought this is just a minor ride because it’s kinda “enchanted” and kids are riding it, but yeah, never underestimate  them kids! LOL. My trembling self made me keep my camera.

4. Ancient Egypt: Revenge of the Mummy

This made me shrieked, “I will go home naaaa!” (Haha!) It is a kind of horror house and extreme roller coaster combined. All English words I know really come out from my mouth. LOL.

Before we entered in the dark Ancient Egypt-themed tunnel, we took photos outside. It is one of most photographed area in Universal Studios because of giant statue of pharaohs or sort.

5. Sci Fi City: Transformers The Ride, The Ultimate 3-D Adventure

This ride is a favorite! It is like we are one of those characters in the movie fighting with bad elements in modern city of New York. My favorite is when it felt like we are falling of the building. I cannot believe I still have a lot of child in me. Haha.

These photos by the way are taken outside the Transformers infrastructure.

6. New York: Lights, Camera, Action!

I don’t have a lot of photos of this attraction as I took videos. However, this part shows how everything in a movie could be done and looked like storm, hurricane and everything are real.

Thereafter, we strolled along the Street of New York.

Our lovebirds. Charot!

The Madame who is responsible for the beautiful bubbles arounds the street.

7. The Lost World: Canopy Flyer

Again, never underestimate rides where you can see kids. My fear of heights which I thought I don’t have suddenly appeared!

This is where we took our lunch. Rice finally, we happily exclaimed. LOL.

8. Far Far Away: Puss in Boots’ Giant Journey

This is an extreme ride as well, I regret so much I solo-ed in my seat. Haha.

The place inside has an eerie feels because of its theme. Look at and read those menu! LOL.

I am also highly recommending: Battlestar Galactica – Human vs. Cylon, Accelerator and Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure. It is so sad not to be able to try these due to time constraints but hey, one thing to go back for!

The visit I made to USS really made me appreciate the value of enjoying life while I am able, and to do different things that would manifest positivity and allow learning and loving life. I saw an elderly man calmly lining up for that Ancient Egypt extreme ride and there was us, excited but trembling. The idea made me stood straight and overcome the ride. Life is too short to worry too much. It is just simply limited to step back from that challenge that scares you. Instead, shout and overcome it. Feel grateful and laugh through the rollercoaster journey and you will find yourself happily fulfilled at the end of it all.

Irene is a lifestyle and travel blogger from Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. She is just one of your typical storytellers who appreciate the wonders of life. Most of the time, she seeks for a beautiful place and get lost in it.

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