Beautiful, semi-formal dresses I always liked
In the month to come, I will be having a speaking engagement. I was so overwhelmed to be invited and instantly said yes, because why shouldn’t I? It is an opportunity to interact with good people. In cases like this, I always think of what I could impart to the people around me. Lots of times I doubted myself on what I could do and I cannot, and these have grasped me a number of opportunities where I know I would learn and grow from. From then on, I decided to be fair to myself and just do it. Funny, I applied the maxim “Cross the bridge when you come into it,” when I know that I am really not a risk taker. I weight all sides and decide. But well, things change because it depends on how we view the situation. Maybe it has a deadline, you do not have time to think anymore? Having a long time to think of it, it may slip away, or sometimes, you just have to ignite confidence to yourself and just face what it is there.
I later then realize that in gaining opportunities like this, it is a must to be prepared and as for me, I have construct a good introduction and a good, effective talk to deliver; so in a couple of days, there was I, thinking of a good lengthy talk. After it, I pondered that I should also look professional and neat because it is always one of the effective ways to win the deal! There is a need to me to wear proper dress, and I admit it, it is not a minor problem selecting and deciding what to wear.
My lovable go-to website zaful.com didn’t fail to give me the answer. As I go through the pages, I always say “this is what I am looking for” and “this might be better” until I found what is it for me.
I thought it might be very nice to show what I got. Aside from my picks, I also took some more that could help you dress up in your business meetings and even gatherings.
I selected this one – a beautiful semi-formal dress, because aside from it looks professional, it also looks so “me” also. I am girly type of person. Having a skirt styled like that, a likely corporate style in the shoulder part and of course, just enough sleeves to show professionalism, and yes, when you doubt what color is it that you should wear, just wear black. So I guess, this is perfect for me.
Solid Color Short Sleeve Back V Lace Dress
I also got this line cocktail dress that you might like, then the other one I got from Zaful fringe dresses.
Fringe Splicing Solid Color Sleeveless Dress
Lace Hook Round Neck 3/4 Sleeve Denim Dress
Thank you, Zaful Clothing for providing me such beautiful options. To know more about Zaful, you can visit them in their blog.
This is a sponsored post. All photos credited to zaful.com.
Irene is a lifestyle and travel blogger from Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. She is just one of your typical storytellers who appreciate the wonders of life. Most of the time, she seeks for a beautiful place and get lost in it.

Summer is here!
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Wow the dresses looks really nice and pretty 🙂
Thank you!