Overtime’s Over
Hello everyone! You see, I’m back. I am so sorry for another series of blogging hiatus. Nyehehe. I will do my best to at least put life to this page once a week.
How am I? I’m fine! Well, I got just so busy on my new job. There are a lot of things that I have to learn, cope up with and master. Though I’m still on my early stages, I hope I could be at least manage myself well.
Guys, there are lots of things banked. A vacation from blogging has a consequence! There are thousands of topics that I think I have to put it here, but yeah, I have to do it at an easy pace.
Thank you so much for reading my little babble. By the way, you can read my new food exploration post I made recently. Just browse along.
© Photo Supplied by Pete’s Patriots Gastro Pub
Keep posted, loves. Amping!
Irene is a lifestyle and travel blogger from Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. She is just one of your typical storytellers who appreciate the wonders of life. Most of the time, she seeks for a beautiful place and get lost in it.
Pete's Patriots Gastro Pub
Happy Social Media Day!
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