Farewell 2015
Hello friends! Later midnight we will be meeting the new year 2016. Indeed! How time flies sooo fast.
I remember last year, I was not able to celebrate the new year because I suffered from depression. Tonight, however, I promise to meet the year with positivity! Yes, I still have worries because some of my 2015 problems are not over yet, but I will do my best for it not to spoil my joy in meeting the new year. I am deeply hoping that better things are yet to come on 2016.
2015 basin of mine has been filled with pain, challenges and problems. As you know, my relationships with other people are tested but God is so good for giving me the courage to forgive entities who caused me pain. I lived a good life as well. Because of those adversities, I was able to get closer to God and yes, nothing is impossible with Him around. My family was also my source of strength in those times. Honestly, they have always been my feet on the solid ground, my fresh air to breathe and my possible midst impossibilities.
At the very end of this year, I realized that 2015 is a tough transition to build a woman that I meant to become. A lot is waiting for me in 2016, there are plans of adventures, travels and career shift. I know God has prepared a lot of surprises for me and I am more than excited to unravel them.
So guys, let’s bid 2015 a good farewell and meet 2016 with positive vibes. Of course, I wanna thank you to all of you, blog readers, for being with me throughout the year, for the time spent reading all about my babble. See, another 365 days down and this blog served as record book of my good relationship with you, guys. Thank you so much! Cheers to another 12 months of living, loving and laughing! Feliz Año Nuevo!
Irene is a lifestyle and travel blogger from Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. She is just one of your typical storytellers who appreciate the wonders of life. Most of the time, she seeks for a beautiful place and get lost in it.
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