


Hello guys! I haven’t blogged for a week because I was so busy with my work, coverage and writing for our paper. Not to mention that I have been always under the early night lights these past few days to catch up with my friends. I guess, I have declared my own version of National Bestfriends’ Week. LOL. I will be blogging everything that I was busy of. Mainly, that include my informative strolling around and outside city with my friends (I still have to box a friend just for him to send me the pics), a briefing regarding Biotech and short tour at Manolo Fortich farms with CDO Bloggers (I am a probie!) and Monsanto Group, and the opening of the 7-Eleven convenience store in Limketkai Luxe Hotel, Cagayan de Oro and a Slurpee experience from me.

I am just so excited to be drowned once again in words and click the Publish button here. For now, I still have to go back working and deal with the Indonesian Haze that is now disappearing here in the Philippines, thanks goodness! Have an enjoying orange afternoon there everyone!

Irene is a lifestyle and travel blogger from Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. She is just one of your typical storytellers who appreciate the wonders of life. Most of the time, she seeks for a beautiful place and get lost in it.

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