It was May 9, 2015 when I was thrown over a surprised coverage. I thought it would be another boring coverage, yet turned out to be a very exciting one!
It is all about the inauguration of the center of Galileo Enrichment Learning Program in Cagayan de Oro as it celebrates the company’s decadal anniversary.
The opening kicked off with a motorcade around the town, center blessing and dedication ceremony.

It also highlighted a parents’ orientation headed by Chief Executive Officer, Ma. Rowena J. Matti, where she discussed the advocacy of Galileo as one of the country’s frontrunners and stakeholders in the advancement of the education of Filipino kids.
There was also an interactive orientation on one of the subjects by Galileo’s Operations and Training Head, Ms. Maribeth Lamis, which I actively participated at. It is one of the exciting activities kids could enjoy inside the center.
In the game, we were given Star Cards and were instructed to put random numbers from 1-30. Then, we were asked with basic mathematical questions which are answered immediately. If ever we have the answer-number in our cards, those will be marked X. The first one who crossed all of her stars will be the winner!
And, unfortunately, I was not the winner. LOL.
After that, Galileo staff let us observed a sample session on Singaporean Math.
And you know how I reacted, I almost cried because solving equations is not really that nerve-racking after all! I was like, “ngano wala man ning Singaporean Math gitudlo sa akong panahon!”
Singaporean Math is a method (curriculum) that is or has been used in Singapore that uses the Concrete > Pictorial > Abstract approach. In my case, more like boxes. Something like this:
Galileo center offers supplement learning in English, Math and Singaporean Math for pre-school and grade school students aging 3-12. Classes are held twice a week, with 30-45 minutes per session.
It targets to provide young learners with training to gain improved grades during regular schooling, become academically competitive, develop positive attitude towards studying and nurture skills and talents, among others.
The center opened in CDO is Galileo’s 36th center. Most of their centers are located in Luzon, along with their head office in Makati. They have centers in Cebu Metropolis and as well, own one in Davao.

Under Galileo Education, students will be given focused on Math, English and Singaporean Math.
For Math, it will start on basic counting, reading and writing numbers, then progresses to the tackling of four fundamental mathematical operations namely, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The program will then climb to equations, algebra and geometry through in-depth word problem analysis.
In English, the program revs up the students with the mastery of the fundamental skills, reading comprehension strategies and unleashing of creativity and analytical skills to become more fluent in oral and written communication.
Singapore Math, on the other hand, train students with the best pedagogy of Math. It gives a strong emphasis on model drawing or pictorial forms, and problem-solving. It also prepare students with Math tricks to tackle in increasingly difficult topics in algebra and geometry.
Other than these three subjects, Galileo also offers Galileo Little Explorers program in some selected centers. It is an introductory learning program to Galileo Math and English, anchored on play-based learning. Fun and meaningful learning will be taught to the toddlers, highlighting on early numeracy and literacy skills, practical life skills like manners, socialization, responsibility, awareness of the environment and appreciation of nature.
Galileo Education also means fun in learning! That what makes it exciting. Plus, points during classes will be converted to redeemable Galileo Galleons where kids can purchase anything inside the Toy Store. In there, are school supplies, or other items like cards for any occasions.

It is actually awesome to know that our kids could already enjoy the offers of supplementary centers, for them to appreciate and enjoy learning. The Galileo branch for CDO is located at L/G Knightsbridge Building, Tomas Saco 15th Street, Macasandig. For inquiries, they could be reached through site, Facebook (, Twitter (@galileoenrich), and Instagram (@galileoenrichment), and/or contact numbers: 0917-542-7752 and 0922-834-3240.
Irene is a lifestyle and travel blogger from Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. She is just one of your typical storytellers who appreciate the wonders of life. Most of the time, she seeks for a beautiful place and get lost in it.
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